Hong Kong, vent’anni dopo

Chinese President Xi Jinping, left, Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying, second left, and Chief Executive-elect Carrie Lam, third left, applaud after watching two young Chinese opera performers during a visit to Hong Kong's West Kowloon district Thursday, June 29, 2017, the site of a controversial high speed cross-border rail terminus. Pro-democracy supporters fear that a plan to station mainland Chinese immigration agents in the terminal to check passengers departing on trains for the mainland is an erosion of Hong Kong's
Chinese President Xi Jinping, left, shares a light moment with Hong Kong Chief Executive-elect Carrie Lam during a visit to Hong Kong's West Kowloon district Thursday, June 29, 2017, the site of a controversial high speed cross-border rail terminus. Pro-democracy supporters fear that a plan to station mainland Chinese immigration agents in the terminal to check passengers departing on trains for the mainland is an erosion of Hong Kong's
Chinese President Xi Jinping, center, shakes hands with two young Chinese opera performers as Hong Kong Chief Executive-elect Carrie Lam, left, applauds during a visit to Hong Kong's West Kowloon district Thursday, June 29, 2017, the site of a controversial high speed cross-border rail terminus. Pro-democracy supporters fear that a plan to station mainland Chinese immigration agents in the terminal to check passengers departing on trains for the mainland is an erosion of Hong Kong's
Traffic police on motorcycles ride in formation during a visit by the Chinese President in Hong Kong, Thursday, June 29, 2017. Hong Kong is planning a big party as it marks 20 years under Chinese rule. Fireworks, a gala variety show and Chinese military displays are among the official events planned to coincide with a visit by Xi starting Thursday for the occasion. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)
A man stands near Chinese and Hong Kong flags at an event to show support for the Chinese president's visit at a gathering in Hong Kong, Thursday, June 29, 2017. Hong Kong is planning a big party as it marks 20 years under Chinese rule. Fireworks, a gala variety show and Chinese military displays are among the official events planned to coincide with a visit by Xi starting Thursday for the occasion. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)
Traffic police on motorcycles ride in formation during a visit by the Chinese President in Hong Kong, Thursday, June 29, 2017. Hong Kong is planning a big party as it marks 20 years under Chinese rule. Fireworks, a gala variety show and Chinese military displays are among the official events planned to coincide with a visit by Xi starting Thursday for the occasion. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)
A woman toss her scarf to take photo near the words
A body guard stands before Chinese President Xi Jinping arrives at Hong Kong's airport, Thursday, June 29, 2017. Hong Kong is planning a big party as it marks 20 years under Chinese rule. But many people in the former British colony are not in the mood to celebrate. Fireworks, a gala variety show and Chinese military displays are among the official events planned to coincide with a visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping starting Thursday for the occasion. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung)
Chinese President Xi Jinping, accompanied by Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying, rear left, and chief executive-elect Carrie Lam, rear right, arrives at Hong Kong's airport, Thursday, June 29, 2017. Hong Kong is planning a big party as it marks 20 years under Chinese rule. But many people in the former British colony are not in the mood to celebrate. Fireworks, a gala variety show and Chinese military displays are among the official events planned to coincide with a visit by Xi starting Thursday for the occasion. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung)

Alla mezzanotte tra il 30 giugno e il 1 luglio del 1997, Hong Kong cessava di essere colonia britannica e ritornava alla cina. In questi giorni il presidente cinese Xi Jinping si è recato nel’ex colonia, ora formalmente regione autonoma all’interno del Paese, per ricordare i vent’anni dall’evento – qui lo vediamo insieme al capo del governo locale, la signora Carrie Lam.

In questi anni, però, i rapporti tra Pechino e Hong Kong non sono sempre stati idilliaci: celebre è stata la “protesta degli ombrelli“, con cui i giovani si sono opposti ai metodi autoritari del governo cinese, che mal si conciliano con l’autonomia di cui l’ex colonia formalmente gode. Al centro delle polemiche è ora la costruzione di un terminal ferroviario ad alta velocità, che verrebbe affidato ad agenti doganali cinesi anziché hongkongesi: in base al principio “un Paese, due sistemi” ora vigente, che assicura ad Hong Kong organi politici, amministrativi e giudiziari propri, questa è stata vista come una pesante ingerenza di Pechino. Xi Jinping ha comunque assicurato che il sistema rimarrà in vigore fino alla scadenza prevista, nel 2047.

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