Londra: dopo l’attacco, la solidarietà

People take part in a vigil at Finsbury Park in north London, where a vehicle struck pedestrians in north London Monday, June 19, 2017. A vehicle struck pedestrians near a mosque in north London early Monday morning. (AP Photo/Frank Augstein)
People take part in a vigil at Finsbury Park in north London, where a vehicle struck pedestrians in north London Monday, June 19, 2017. A vehicle struck pedestrians near a mosque in north London early Monday morning. (AP Photo/Frank Augstein)
People take part in a vigil at Finsbury Park in north London, where a vehicle struck pedestrians in north London Monday, June 19, 2017. A vehicle struck pedestrians near a mosque in north London early Monday morning. (AP Photo/Frank Augstein)
People take part in a vigil at Finsbury Park in north London, where a vehicle struck pedestrians in north London Monday, June 19, 2017. A vehicle struck pedestrians near a mosque in north London early Monday morning. (AP Photo/Frank Augstein)
A police officer stands near floral tributes in Finsbury Park after an incident where a van struck pedestrians, in London, Monday June 19, 2017. British authorities and Islamic leaders moved swiftly to ease concerns in the Muslim community after a man plowed his vehicle into a crowd of worshippers outside a north London mosque early Monday, injuring at least nine people. (AP Photo/Frank Augstein)
Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May, right, talk to faith leaders at Finsbury Park Mosque in north London, after an incident where where a van struck pedestrians, in London, Monday June 19, 2017. British authorities and Islamic leaders moved swiftly to ease concerns in the Muslim community after a man plowed his vehicle into a crowd of worshippers outside a north London mosque early Monday, injuring at least nine people. (Stefan Rousseau/Pool Photo via AP)
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, left, meets locals at Finsbury Park Mosque in north London, after an incident where where a van struck pedestrians, in London, Monday June 19, 2017. British authorities and Islamic leaders moved swiftly to ease concerns in the Muslim community after a man plowed his vehicle into a crowd of worshippers outside a north London mosque early Monday, injuring at least nine people. (Stefan Rousseau/Pool Photo via AP)
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, left, meets locals at Finsbury Park Mosque in north London, after an incident where where a van struck pedestrians, in London, Monday June 19, 2017. British authorities and Islamic leaders moved swiftly to ease concerns in the Muslim community after a man plowed his vehicle into a crowd of worshippers outside a north London mosque early Monday, injuring at least nine people. (Stefan Rousseau/Pool Photo via AP)

Proseguono le manifestazioni di solidarietà dopo l’attacco alla moschea londinese di Finsbury Park. Numerose persone di diverse fedi si sono radunate per veglie di preghiera e marce, sotto slogan come “Londra rimane unita”, “L’amore vincerà, il terrorismo perderà”, “Uniti contro ogni genere di terrore”, “Non cederemo alla paura.

Anche il primo ministro Theresa May e il leader laburista Jeremy Corbyn hanno fatto visita alla comunità: qui li vediamo con alcuni fedeli e autorità religiose.

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