Somalia, nuovo attacco di al-Shabab

Somali men carry away the body of a civilian who was killed in a militant attack on a restaurant in Mogadishu, Somalia Thursday, June 15, 2017. Somalia's security forces early Thursday morning ended a night-long siege by al-Shabab Islamic extremists at the popular
A member of Somalia's security forces walks past destroyed vehicles at the scene of a car bomb blast and gun battle targeting a restaurant in Mogadishu, Somalia Thursday, June 15, 2017. Somali survivors early Thursday described harrowing scenes of the night-long siege of a popular Mogadishu restaurant by al-Shabab Islamic extremists that was ended by security forces. (AP Photo/Farah Abdi Warsameh)
Somalis gather outside a destroyed building near a restaurant that was the scene of a car bomb blast and gun battle in Mogadishu, Somalia Thursday, June 15, 2017. Somali survivors early Thursday described harrowing scenes of the night-long siege of a popular Mogadishu restaurant by al-Shabab Islamic extremists that was ended by security forces. (AP Photo/Farah Abdi Warsameh)
Somali men carry away the body of a civilian who was killed in a militant attack on a restaurant in Mogadishu, Somalia Thursday, June 15, 2017. Somali survivors early Thursday described harrowing scenes of the night-long siege of a popular Mogadishu restaurant by al-Shabab Islamic extremists that was ended by security forces. (AP Photo/Farah Abdi Warsameh)
Somali men carry away the body of a civilian who was killed in a militant attack on a restaurant in Mogadishu, Somalia Thursday, June 15, 2017. Somali survivors early Thursday described harrowing scenes of the night-long siege of a popular Mogadishu restaurant by al-Shabab Islamic extremists that was ended by security forces. (AP Photo/Farah Abdi Warsameh)
A mother whose daughter was shot in the head by attackers during a militant attack on a restaurant, grieves in Mogadishu, Somalia Thursday, June 15, 2017. Somalia's security forces early Thursday morning ended a night-long siege by al-Shabab Islamic extremists at the popular

Triste ultim’ora dalla Somalia: nella notte i militanti del gruppo islamista al-Shabab hanno preso di mira una popolare pizzeria della capitale Mogadiscio, prendendo in ostaggio gli avventori. Sono intervenute le forze speciali: ma nei violenti scontri che ne sono seguiti – i testimoni parlano anche dell’esplosione di un’auto bomba – , e che sono finiti solo questa mattina, sono rimasti uccisi anche diversi civili. Anche da questo Paese, ormai da decenni teatro di instabilità, continua quindi a levarsi il grido di una popolazione che chiede la pace: emblematica in questo senso l’immagine di una madre che piange la figlia, rimasta uccisa negli scontri.

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