I filippini contro la violenza

A protester displays a message during a rally near the Presidential Palace to denounce the Martial Law declaration of President Rodrigo Duterte after Muslim militants laid a siege of Marawi city in southern Philippines for three weeks, Monday, June 12, 2017 in Manila, Philippines. The protesters also denounced the killings by Duterte's bloody anti-drug crackdown. (AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)
Protesters stage die-in during a rally near the Presidential Palace to denounce the Martial Law declaration of President Rodrigo Duterte after Muslim militants laid a siege of Marawi city in southern Philippines for three weeks, Monday, June 12, 2017 in Manila, Philippines. The protesters also denounced the killings by Duterte's bloody anti-drug crackdown. (AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)
Protesters place a tarpaulin poster bearing a photo of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte and placards with their messages on the pavement during a rally near the Presidential Palace to denounce the Martial Law declaration by Duterte after Muslim militants laid a siege of Marawi city in southern Philippines for three weeks, Monday, June 12, 2017 in Manila, Philippines. The protesters also denounced the killings by Duterte's bloody anti-drug crackdown. (AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)
Protesters shout slogans during a rally near the Presidential Palace to denounce the Martial Law declaration of President Rodrigo Duterte after Muslim militants laid a siege of Marawi city in southern Philippines for three weeks, Monday, June 12, 2017 in Manila, Philippines. The protesters also denounced the killings by Duterte's anti-drug crackdown. (AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)
Protesters are blocked by police as they attempt to march closer to the U.S. Embassy to denounce the U.S. military's role in the ongoing battle between Government forces and Muslim militants who laid siege to Marawi city in southern Philippines for three weeks now Monday, June 12, 2017 in Manila, Philippines. The protesters also denounced President Rodrigo Duterte's declaration of Martial Law in the whole region of Mindanao in southern Philippines.(AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)
A protester holds a placard during a rally near the U.S. Embassy to denounce the U.S. military's role in the ongoing battle between Government forces and Muslim militants who laid siege to Marawi city in southern Philippines for three weeks now Monday, June 12, 2017 in Manila, Philippines. The protesters also denounced President Rodrigo Duterte's declaration of Martial Law in the whole region of Mindanao in southern Philippines.(AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)
Protesters are blocked by police as they attempt to march closer to the U.S. Embassy to denounce the U.S. military's role in the ongoing battle between Government forces and Muslim militants who laid siege to Marawi city in southern Philippines for three weeks now Monday, June 12, 2017 in Manila, Philippines. The protesters also denounced President Rodrigo Duterte's declaration of Martial Law in the whole region of Mindanao in southern Philippines.(AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)

Non c’è ancora pace nelle Filippine. In queste foto sono immortalati alcuni momenti della protesta che si è tenuta ieri, 12 giugno, nei pressi del palazzo presidenziale: i manifestanti hanno espresso la loro disapprovazione alla legge marziale dichiarata dal presidente Rodrigo Duterte in seguito all’assedio da parte dei militanti islamici della città di Marawi, nel sud del Paese, che avrebbe aperto la strada a numerosi abusi.

Ma la manifestazione voleva più in generale opporsi alla violenza che sta imperversando nel Paese: i numerosi cartelli e striscioni denunciavano anche i numerosi omicidi avvenuti nella “guerra alla droga” dichiarata sempre da Duterte, nonché quelli che si stanno consumando su entrambi i fronti nella lotta tra il governo e i ribelli islamisti. E in tutto questo entrano in gioco anche gli Stati Uniti: nel cartello sorretto da questa donna si legge “Truppe Usa, le Filippine non sono il vostro campo da gioco”, allusione al ruolo che le forze armate di Washington giocano all’interno di questi scontri.

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