Protesta sì… ma con ironia

(AP Photo/Peter Dejong)
A protester dressed as the Statue of Liberty stands next to a fountain during a demonstration in the center of Brussels on Wednesday, May 24, 2017. Demonstrators marched in Brussels ahead of a visit of US President Donald Trump and a NATO heads of state summit which will take place on Thursday. (AP Photo/Matt Dunham)
Protesters dressed as the Statue of Liberty march under a US flag during a demonstration in the center of Brussels on Wednesday, May 24, 2017. Demonstrators marched in Brussels ahead of a visit of US President Donald Trump and a NATO heads of state summit which will take place on Thursday. (AP Photo/Peter Dejong)
protest march against the President of The United States of America in the city center of Brussels, Belgium on 24.05.2017 US President Donald Trump, to attend a NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) summit on May 25. by Wiktor Dabkowski | usage worldwide Photo by: Wiktor Dabkowski/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images
protest march against the President of The United States of America in the city center of Brussels, Belgium on 24.05.2017 US President Donald Trump, to attend a NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) summit on May 25. by Wiktor Dabkowski | usage worldwide Photo by: Wiktor Dabkowski/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images
Photo by: Wiktor Dabkowski/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images

Originale trovata in quel di Bruxelles. In occasione della visita del presidente americano Donald Trump, in città per incontrare i vertici delle istituzioni europee e per un vertice Nato, i dimostranti hanno deciso di esprimere la loro contrarietà alle politiche militaristiche scendendo in pizza “in costume”. Il travestimento prescelto è stato quello della Statua della Libertà: peraltro un simbolo di unione tra le due sponde dell’Atlantico, essendo stata donata dalla Francia agli Stati Uniti in segno di amicizia tra i due popoli e in ricordo del centenario dell’indipendenza delle tredici colonie. Un auspicio che l’incontro tra le massime autorità dei due continenti possa svolgersi nello stesso spirito.

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