Russia e il passato molto presente

People, participants of a march named 'Immortal Regiment', shout as they celebrate the 72nd anniversary of the defeat of the Nazis in World War II in St. Petersburg, Russia, on Tuesday, May 9, 2017. About 400,000 people walked in central streets of St. Petersburg in a march named 'Immortal Regiment' while carrying portraits of their relatives who fought in World War Two. (AP Photo/Dmitri Lovetsky)
Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, holds a portrait of his father Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin as he walks among other people carrying portraits of relatives who fought in World War II, with Russian and Soviet flags, during the Immortal Regiment march at the Red Square in Moscow, Russia, on Tuesday, May 9, 2017, celebrating 72 years since the end of WWII and the defeat of Nazi Germany. (Alexei Nikolsky, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)
Local residents carry portraits of their ancestors, participants in World War II as they celebrate the 72nd anniversary of the defeat of the Nazis in World War II in St. Petersburg, Russia, on Tuesday, May 9, 2017. About 400,000 people walked in central streets of St. Petersburg in a march named 'Immortal Regiment' while carrying portraits of their relatives who fought in World War II. (AP Photo/Dmitri Lovetsky)
People carry portraits of relatives who fought in World War II, Russian and Soviet flags, during the Immortal Regiment march along the Tverskaya Street in Moscow, Tuesday, May 9, 2017, celebrating 72 years since the end of WWII and the defeat of Nazi Germany.(AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
People carry portraits of relatives who fought in World War II, and Russian and Soviet flags, during the Immortal Regiment march along the Red Square in Moscow, Russia, Tuesday, May 9, 2017, celebrating 72 years since the end of WWII and the defeat of Nazi Germany. (AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko)
Russian actor Vasily Lanovoy holds a portrait of his mother during the Immortal Regiment march in Moscow's Red Square, Russia, May 9, 2017, celebrating 72 years since the end of WWII and the defeat of Nazi Germany. (AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko)
People carry portraits of relatives who fought in World War II,  with Russian and Soviet flags, during the Immortal Regiment march at the Red Square in Moscow, Russia, on Tuesday, May 9, 2017, celebrating 72 years since the end of WWII and the defeat of Nazi Germany.(AP Photo/Ivan Sekretarev)
Russian President Vladimir Putin walks among other people carrying portraits of relatives who fought in World War II, with Russian and Soviet flags, during the Immortal Regiment march at the Red Square in Moscow, Russia, on Tuesday, May 9, 2017, celebrating 72 years since the end of WWII and the defeat of Nazi Germany. (AP Photo/Ivan Sekretarev)
A Russian boy holds portraits of relatives who fought in World War II, Russian and Soviet flags, during the Immortal Regiment march at the Red Square in Moscow, Russia, Tuesday, May 9, 2017, celebrating 72 years since the end of WWII and the defeat of Nazi Germany. (AP Photo/Ivan Sekretarev)
A Chechen woman holds a portrait of her relative who fought in World War II, prior to the Immortal Regiment march in the Chechnya's capital Grozny, southern Russia, Tuesday, May 9, 2017, celebrating 72 years since the end of WWII and the defeat of Nazi Germany. (AP Photo/Musa Sadulayev)
Local residents carry portraits of their ancestors, participants in World War Two as they celebrate the 70th anniversary of the defeat of the Nazis in World War II in St. Petersburg, Russia, Saturday, May 9, 2015. About 100,000 people walked in central streets in a march named 'Immortal Regiment' while carrying portraits of their relatives who fought in World War Two. (AP Photo/Dmitry Lovetsky)

Più di 800 mila persone sono scese in piazza a Mosca per partecipare alla marcia del “Reggimento Immortale”, nel contesto delle celebrazioni della “Giornata della Vittoria”, innalzando i ritratti dei propri familiari che hanno partecipato, come militari dell’Armata Rossa o combattenti irregolari, alla “grande guerra patriottica” contro il nazi-fascismo.

Dietro allo striscione di apertura del corteo figurava lo stesso presidente Putin con il ritratto di suo padre Vladimir. Il 9 Maggio, anniversario della capitolazione nazista, fu istituito come giorno di festa nazionale durante gli anni ’60 in Unione Sovietica e come tale viene celebrato tuttora in tutti gli stati scaturiti dall’ex Urss, tranne i paesi baltici. In Ucraina la Giornata della Vittoria è stata abolita solo nel 2015, venendo sostituita da una “Giornata della memoria e della riconciliazione”, che cade il giorno precedente. La tradizione della marcia del Reggimento Immortale è invece assai recente: nata a Tomsk nel 2012, si è diffusa tra i discendenti delle comunità ex sovietiche presenti in tutto il mondo.

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