Alluvione a Lima

A man takes an inner tube onto a street flooded by the overflow of the Huaycoloro river in Lima, Peru, Thursday, March 16, 2017. A new round of unusually heavy rains has killed at least a dozen people in Peru and now threatens flooding in the capital. Authorities said Thursday they expect the intense rains caused by the warming of surface waters in the eastern Pacific Ocean to continue another two weeks. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)
A mother holds her daughter as they are pulled across flood waters in a zip line harness in Lima, Peru, Friday, March 17, 2017. Intense rains and mudslides over the past three days have wrought havoc around the Andean nation and caught residents in Lima, a desert city of 10 million where it almost never rains, by surprise. (AP Photo/Martin Mejia)
People wait on a rooftop to be rescued from the building surrounded by flood waters in Lima, Peru, Friday, March 17, 2017.  Intense rains and mudslides over the past three days have wrought havoc around the Andean nation and caught residents in Lima, a desert city of 10 million where it almost never rains, by surprise. (AP Photo/Martin Mejia)
A man is pulled to safety in a zipline harness in Lima, Peru, Friday, March 17, 2017. The number of people killed in Peru following intense rains and mudslides wreaking havoc around the Andean nation climbed to 67 Friday, with thousands more displaced from destroyed homes and others waiting on rooftops for rescue. (AP Photo/Martin Mejia)

Un tragico bilancio di 62 morti, 11 dispersi e 170 feriti a causa dell’ondata di maltempo che sta flagellando il Perù da varie settimane e che non accenna a terminare. I fiumi hanno esondato e 500 mila persone hanno sofferto per le esondazioni. (foto Ap)

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