Sottomarino Ara San Juan, si è trattato di un’esplosione

A person waves at the Argentine destroyer Sarandi as it leaves a Navy base in Mar del Plata, Argentina, to participate in the search of the missing submarine, Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2017. The search continues for the missing submarine, with 44 crew members, that has been lost since Nov. 15 in the South Atlantic. (AP Photo/Marina Devo)
Families of the 44 crew members of the missing Argentine submarine ARA San Juan pray outside the Mar del Plata Naval Base, in Argentina, Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2017. The search continues for the missing submarine that has been lost since Nov. 15 in the South Atlantic. (AP Photo/Paul Byrne)
In this Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2017 photo released by the Argentine Navy on Nov. 22, members of the Argentine Air Force search for a missing submarine in the South Atlantic near Argentina's coast. Argentine families of 44 crew members aboard a submarine that has been lost in the South Atlantic for seven days are growing increasingly distressed as experts say the crew might be reaching a critical period of low oxygen on Wednesday. (Argentine Navy via AP)
People pray for the crew of the missing submarine outside the navy base in Mar del Plata, Argentina, Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2017. Argentine families of 44 crew members aboard a submarine that has been lost in the South Atlantic for seven days are growing increasingly distressed as experts say that the crew might be reaching a critical period of low oxygen on Wednesday. (AP Photo/Marina Devo)
Drawings by children in support of the crew of the missing submarine ARA San Martin, hang from the fence of the Mar del Plata Naval Base, in Argentina, Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2017. The families of the 44 crew members aboard a submarine that has been lost in the South Atlantic for seven days are growing increasingly distressed as experts say that the crew might be reaching a critical period of low oxygen. (AP Photo/Marina Devo)
Relatives and friends of Alejandro Tagliaprieta, a crew member on the missing ARA San Juan submarine, embrace at the naval base where people hang flags and messages on the fence in Mar de Plata, Argentina, Friday, Nov. 24, 2017. The navy says an explosion occurred near the time and place where the sub went missing on Nov. 15. That's led some to give up hope. (AP Photo/Esteban Felix)
Friends and family of missing submarine crew members place a flag on the fence of the naval base in Mar de Plata, Argentina, Friday, Nov. 24, 2017. The Argentine navy says an explosion occurred near the time and place where the ARA San Juan submarine went missing on Nov. 15, leading some family members of the crew to give up hope of a rescue. (AP Photo/Esteban Felix)

Immagini di cordoglio e preghiera giungono dai pressi della Marina militare a Mar del Plata, in Argentina, dove si radunano parenti e amici del 44 membri dell’equipaggio del sottomarino Ara San Juan disperso da 11 giorni a 400 km dalla costa nella zona del golfo San Jorge. Ieri è stato rivelato un segnale, un’anomalia idroacustica, ritenuto compatibile con un’esplosione. Sono state messe da parte le varie ipotesi complottistiche di un attacco militare contro il sottomarino. Nonostante tutto continuano le ricerche anche grazie agli aiuti di Usa, Inghilterra, Francia, Germania, Brasile, Cile, Perù, Colombia e Uruguay. Il problema è che queste ricerche trattano una zona grande come l’Europa centrale. (foto Ap)

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