Alluvione in Grecia

A man cleans mud from a destroyed pharmecy in the town of Mandra  western Athens, on Friday , Nov. 17, 2017. Hopes were diminishing as darkness fell Friday for six people reported missing in deadly flash floods that struck near Athens, killing 16.The fire department said search and rescue efforts continued to locate the six, all reported missing in the Mandra district which was the area hardest hit.(AP Photo/Petros Giannakouris)
A man drops buckets with mud outside his house in the town of Mandra  western Athens, on Friday , Nov. 17, 2017. Hopes were diminishing as darkness fell Friday for six people reported missing in deadly flash floods that struck near Athens, killing 16.The fire department said search and rescue efforts continued to locate the six, all reported missing in the Mandra district which was the area hardest hit.(AP Photo/Petros Giannakouris)
A tomb is covered with mud as a man searches the tomb of his grandmother in the damaged cemetery of the town of Mandra  western Athens, on Friday , Nov. 17, 2017. Hopes were diminishing as darkness fell Friday for six people reported missing in deadly flash floods that struck near Athens, killing 16.The fire department said search and rescue efforts continued to locate the six, all reported missing in the Mandra district which was the area hardest hit.(AP Photo/Petros Giannakouris)

Il bilancio è impressionante, sale a 20 il numero dei morti per la disastrosa alluvione che la settimana scorsa ha colpito Atene e in particolare la periferia a Ovest. Ma ci sono altri dispersi, secondo quanto riferiscono le autorità di soccorso locale, e il maltempo non accenna sosta. (foto Ap)

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