Il governo del mondo

Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a speech at the opening ceremony of the 19th Party Congress held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China, Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2017. Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday urged a reinvigorated Communist Party to take on a more forceful role in society and economic development to better address
Former Chinese President Jiang Zemin, second from right, and former Chinese President Hu Jintao, second from left, attend the opening ceremony of the 19th Party Congress held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China, Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2017. Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday urged a reinvigorated Communist Party to take on a more forceful role in society and economic development to better address
Chinese President Xi Jinping bows to current and former Chinese leaders, from left, former Premier Zhu Rongji, Politburo Standing Committee members Zhang Gaoli, Liu Yunshan, and Zhang Dejiang, former Chinese President Hu Jintao, and former Chinese President Jiang Zemin after giving a speech during the opening session of China's 19th Party Congress at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2017. Xi on Wednesday urged a reinvigorated Communist Party to take on a more forceful role in society and economic development to better address
Chinese President Xi Jinping, center, sits with former Chinese President Hu Jintao, fifth left, and Jiang Zemin, fifth right, after delivering his speech at the opening ceremony of the 19th Party Congress held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China, Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2017. Xi on Wednesday urged a reinvigorated Communist Party to take on a more forceful role in society and economic development to better address
Tourists gather near the portrait of Mao Zedong to watch the flag raising ceremony on the day of the 19th Party Congress in Beijing, China, Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2017. Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday urged a reinvigorated Communist Party to take on a more forceful role in society and economic development to better address
Tourists gather near the Great Hall of the People where 19th Party Congress is held in Beijing, China, Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2017. Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday urged a reinvigorated Communist Party to take on a more forceful role in society and economic development to better address
Chinese security personnel fan out to clear Tiananmen Square ahead of the 19th Party Congress held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China, Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2017. Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday urged a reinvigorated Communist Party to take on a more forceful role in society and economic development to better address
Former Hong Kong Executive Leung Chun-ying, rear right, listens to a speech by Chinese President Xi Jinping during the opening session of China's 19th Party Congress at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2017. Xi on Wednesday urged a reinvigorated Communist Party to take on a more forceful role in society and economic development to better address

Come ogni anno si celebra il congresso del partito comunista cinese alla guida del grande Paese asiatico al centro delle strategie internazionali che derminano il destino del Pianeta e gli equilbri tra le potenze in ascesa e quelle in lenta decadenza. Uno sguardo, mediato dalle immagini ufficiali dell’agenzia Ap, che induce a meditare sul senso e destino della storia.

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