Cambio di guardia

Mounted police guards ride in front of Buckingham Palace for the upcoming guard change in London, Monday, Jan. 16, 2017. Changing the Guard at Buckingham Palace begins a new fixed day schedule. The ceremony, which usually takes place on alternate days from August to March, will now happen on set days - Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. It follows new road closures after security was stepped up in the wake of the Berlin terror attack. (AP Photo/Frank Augstein)

Per il Cambio della Guardia a Buckingam Palace inizia una programmazione diversa. La cerimonia adesso ha luogo in giorni prestabiliti: lunedi, mercoledi, venerdi e domenica. Per motivi di sicurezza, dopo gli attentati di Berlino, sono state chiuse nuove vie di accesso. (foto AP)

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