Un aereo dirottato a Malta

An Afriqiyah Airways plane from Libya stands on the tarmac at Malta's Luqa International airport, Friday, Dec. 23, 2016. Malta's state television says two hijackers who diverted a Libyan commercial plane to the Mediterranean island nation have threatened to blow it up. (AP Photo/Jonathan Borg)
An Afriqiyah Airways plane from Libya, left, stands on the tarmac at Malta's Luqa International airport, Friday, Dec. 23, 2016. Malta's state television says two hijackers who diverted a Libyan commercial plane to the Mediterranean island nation have threatened to blow it up. (AP Photo/Jonathan Borg)
Maltese police officers close off a road by Malta's Luqa International airport after an Afriqiyah Airways plane from Libya landed at the airport in an apparent hijack, Friday, Dec. 23, 2016. Malta's state television says two hijackers who diverted a Libyan commercial plane to the Mediterranean island nation have threatened to blow it up. (AP Photo/Jonathan Borg)
In this frame grab taken from television a hijacked Afriqiyah Airways A320 sits on the tarmac at Malta International airport Friday Dec. 23, 2016. Malta's state television says two hijackers who diverted a Libyan commercial plane to the Mediterranean island nation have threatened to blow it up. (Photo TVM via AP)
An Afriqiyah Airways plane from Libya stands on the tarmac at Malta's Luqa International airport, Friday, Dec. 23, 2016. Malta's state television says two hijackers who diverted a Libyan commercial plane to the Mediterranean island nation have threatened to blow it up. (AP Photo/Jonathan Borg)
An Afriqiyah Airways plane from Libya stands on the tarmac at Malta's Luqa International airport, Friday, Dec. 23, 2016. Two hijackers diverted a Libyan commercial plane to Malta on Friday and threatened to blow it up with hand grenades, Maltese authorities and state media said.  (AP Photo/Jonathan Borg)

Un Natale senza pace. Dopo l’attentato di Berlino e l’uccisione di Anis Amri, un volo interno in Libia, partito da  Sebha e diretto a Tripoli, della compagnia Afriqiyah Airways, è stato dirottato a Malta con 118 passeggeri a bordo. Le trattative con i due dirottatori, provvisti di esplosivi, sarebbero in corso. Gli unici contatti via radio sarebbero avvenuti, direttamente con la torre di controllo di Tripoli, mentre l’aereo era in volo e veniva deviato verso Malta. Nel frattempo, l’aeroporto di Malta è stato riaperto al traffico dopo che nove voli erano stati deviati sullo scalo di Catania.

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