Cuba: festa di san Lazzaro

Men rest while waiting for a Mass in honor of the Catholic Saint Lazarus, to be held at the church in El Rincon, an area of Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba, as the sun sets Friday, Dec. 16, 2016. Saturday marks the second year since the start of negotiations between Cuba and U.S. to restore diplomatic ties. Saint Lazarus' feast day is every Dec. 17. (AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa)
Wirnea, who declined to give her last name, lights a plate of candles on the church floor as she ends her pilgrimage to Saint Lazarus' shrine in El Rincon, an area of Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba, late Friday, Dec. 16, 2016. Wirnea said she came to thank the saint for granting her health-related request made on her first pilgrimage last year. The Catholic saint is also known as the Afro-Cuban Yoruba deity Babalu-Aye, protector of the sick, an example of Cuba's religions syncretism. His feast day is every Dec. 17. (AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa)
A believer in Saint Lazarus walks on her knees with a child on her back as a self-imposed penance during her pilgrimage to the saint's shrine in El Rincon, an area of Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba, late Friday, Dec. 16, 2016. The Catholic saint is also known as the Afro-Cuban Yoruba deity Babalu-Aye, protector of the sick, an example of Cuba's religions syncretism. His feast day is every Dec. 17. (AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa)
Believers in Saint Lazarus, Madalys Fuentes, right, and Lazaro Rivera, pose for a portrait wearing traditional attire associated with the saint, during their pilgrimage to his shrine in El Rincon, near Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba, Friday, Dec. 16, 2016. The Catholic saint is also known as the Afro-Cuban Yoruba deity Babalu-Aye, protector of the sick, an example of Cuba's religions syncretism. His feast day is every Dec. 17. (AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa)
A believer in Saint Lazarus drags a stone chained to his ankle as a self-imposed penance during his pilgrimage to the saint's shrine in El Rincon, an area of Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba, late Friday, Dec. 16, 2016. The Catholic saint is also known as the Afro-Cuban Yoruba deity Babalu-Aye, protector of the sick, an example of Cuba's religions syncretism. His feast day is every Dec. 17. (AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa)
A child rides on the back of a believer in Saint Lazarus walking on her knees as a self-imposed penance during her pilgrimage to the saint's shrine in El Rincon, an area of Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba, late Friday, Dec. 16, 2016. The Catholic saint is also known as the Afro-Cuban Yoruba deity Babalu Aye, protector of the sick, an example of Cuba's religions syncretism. His feast day is every Dec. 17. (AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa)

Alcuni fedeli di san Lazzaro a Cuba. Festa che ricorre il 17 dicembre. San Lazzaro gode di una profonda e vastissima devozione popolare. I cubani gli attribuiscono molti miracoli e il suo appellativo è “milagroso san Lázaro”, il miracoloso san Lazzaro. I pellegrini si recano a piedi, in ginocchio, in macchina, con ogni mezzo verso il santuario El Rincon, vicino Santiago de las Vegas. Il santo cattolico è anche conosciuto come la divinità afro‒cubana Yoruba e porta il nome di Babalu‒Aye. È il protettore dei malati e restano tracce di sincretismo con le religioni indigene cubane.

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