«L’amore non avrà mai fine». Il movimento dell’agape in 1Cor 13

“Love never fails.” This statement by Paul in the so-called Hymn of Charity (1 Cor 13:8) must be understood in the everyday context of the Church of Corinth and the crises it was facing. To avoid any competition between the charisms, Paul proposes to show the Corinthians an excellent way: agape. This is neither a feeling nor a virtue; it is the very love of God that the Spirit pours into our hearts. The Spirit enables the believer to respond to God’s love with the gift received, that is, with agape. To grasp this dynamic of agape – between the love given and the love received that is given in turn – it is necessary to understand the movement of agape between God and human persons, as Paul presents it in his letters.

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