Forum: Intorno al saggio “Il grido d’abbandono. Esegesi, teologia, mistica” di Gérard Rossé e Piero Coda
Alessandro Clemenzia e Marco Martino discuss the recent publication of Gerard Rossé and Piero Coda, entitled Il Grido d’Abbandono: Scrittura, mistica, teologia, published in the series Tracce promoted by the Sophia University Institute. Clemenzia poses the question of the specificity of the Incarnation in its deepest meaning, and concentrates on the contemporaneity of the event within history. Martino, in dialogue with the book, investigates the meaning of the dereliction of Jesus for thought itself. The discussion of this theme is a valuable contribution to this issue, since the intuition of Jesus Forsaken is central to the thought and work of Chiara Lubich.