Il limite come questione. Un’introduzione.

The limit is a quaestio, a “why?” that inhabits the human person and makes one such: a person. For the ancient ones, it was a question of religious, metaphysical and ethical nature, but it is also – as discovered mostly by authors of modern times – a question of anthropological nature: and thus a question that touches upon knowledge and science, the psyche, society, politics and economics. A question which in the end pervades all that is human, and is intersected by one’s relationship with God, identifying one’s being and actions. A question, therefore, that is not exactly: what is the limit? But rather: what does the limit say about mankind, or, better yet, to what is mankind called by the limit? In Jesus, the limit is redefined in its originating vocation, according to the grammar of gift and love, which opens to the recognition of myself and of others and to sharing what/who we are and have.

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