Chiara Lubich: Un’Idea di Università

 The author delivered this lecture on the 13 of march 2011 in the Auditorium John-Paul II of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Catholic University of Lublin (KUL, Poland). He analyzes the actual situation of European University students and tries to understand how Newman would have reacted on it. The dialogue with some essential insights of the recently beatified cardinal brings him to Chiara Lubich who shares with Newman some very similar intuitions on the task of a University. Founding in 2007 on the basis of the charism the Church recognized her the Universitarian Institute Sophia (IUS) in Tuscany (Italy) as the very last initiative of her long life as the initiator of Focolare, Chiara Lubich wanted it would be an interdisciplinary Institute amalgamating in harmony life and studies. After now more than two years of life of the IUS, the author dresses a first “state of the union”

in dialogue with Newman and Lubich.

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