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Le riviste / Novità


  • epa12000792 Indian Muslims arrive for a prayer service during Eid al-Fitr at Red Road in Kolkata, India, 31 March 2025. Muslims around the world have begun celebrating Eid al-Fitr, the three-day festival which marks the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. During Eid al-Fitr, most people travel to visit each other in town or outside of it and children receive new clothes and money to spend for the occasion.  EPA/PIYAL ADHIKARY

    Anche in India si celebra la fine del Ramadan

    Si sta celebrando in tutto il mondo “Eid al-Fitr”, i tre giorni di festeggiamenti con cui i musulmani chiudono il mese sacro di Ramadan, dedicato al digiuno durante le ore diurne e alla preghiera. E lo si celebra anche in… Mostra

  • epa12000797 An Indian Muslim take photos of his relative  during Eid al-Fitr at Red Road in Kolkata, India, 31 March 2025. Muslims around the world have begun celebrating Eid al-Fitr, the three-day festival which marks the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. During Eid al-Fitr, most people travel to visit each other in town or outside of it and children receive new clothes and money to spend for the occasion.  EPA/PIYAL ADHIKARY

    Anche in India si celebra la fine del Ramadan

    Si sta celebrando in tutto il mondo “Eid al-Fitr”, i tre giorni di festeggiamenti con cui i musulmani chiudono il mese sacro di Ramadan, dedicato al digiuno durante le ore diurne e alla preghiera. E lo si celebra anche in… Mostra

  • epa12000795 Indian Muslims arrive for a prayer service during Eid al-Fitr at Red Road in Kolkata, India, 31 March 2025. Muslims around the world have begun celebrating Eid al-Fitr, the three-day festival which marks the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. During Eid al-Fitr, most people travel to visit each other in town or outside of it and children receive new clothes and money to spend for the occasion.  EPA/PIYAL ADHIKARY

    Anche in India si celebra la fine del Ramadan

    Si sta celebrando in tutto il mondo “Eid al-Fitr”, i tre giorni di festeggiamenti con cui i musulmani chiudono il mese sacro di Ramadan, dedicato al digiuno durante le ore diurne e alla preghiera. E lo si celebra anche in… Mostra

  • epa12000794 Indian Muslims pray during Eid al-Fitr, at Red Road in Kolkata, India, 31 March 2025. Muslims around the world have begun celebrating Eid al-Fitr, the three-day festival which marks the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. During Eid al-Fitr, most people travel to visit each other in town or outside of it and children receive new clothes and money to spend for the occasion.  EPA/PIYAL ADHIKARY

    Anche in India si celebra la fine del Ramadan

    Si sta celebrando in tutto il mondo “Eid al-Fitr”, i tre giorni di festeggiamenti con cui i musulmani chiudono il mese sacro di Ramadan, dedicato al digiuno durante le ore diurne e alla preghiera. E lo si celebra anche in… Mostra

  • epa12000796 An Indian Muslim prays during Eid al-Fitr, at Red Road in Kolkata, India, 31 March 2025. Muslims around the world have begun celebrating Eid al-Fitr, the three-day festival which marks the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. During Eid al-Fitr, most people travel to visit each other in town or outside of it and children receive new clothes and money to spend for the occasion.  EPA/PIYAL ADHIKARY

    Anche in India si celebra la fine del Ramadan

    Si sta celebrando in tutto il mondo “Eid al-Fitr”, i tre giorni di festeggiamenti con cui i musulmani chiudono il mese sacro di Ramadan, dedicato al digiuno durante le ore diurne e alla preghiera. E lo si celebra anche in… Mostra

  • epa12000800 An Indian Muslim family waits for the start of a prayer service during Eid al-Fitr at Red Road in Kolkata, India, 31 March 2025. Muslims around the world have begun celebrating Eid al-Fitr, the three-day festival which marks the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. During Eid al-Fitr, most people travel to visit each other in town or outside of it and children receive new clothes and money to spend for the occasion.  EPA/PIYAL ADHIKARY

    Anche in India si celebra la fine del Ramadan

    Si sta celebrando in tutto il mondo “Eid al-Fitr”, i tre giorni di festeggiamenti con cui i musulmani chiudono il mese sacro di Ramadan, dedicato al digiuno durante le ore diurne e alla preghiera. E lo si celebra anche in… Mostra

  • epa12000793 Indian Muslims arrive for a prayer service during Eid al-Fitr at Red Road in Kolkata, India, 31 March 2025. Muslims around the world have begun celebrating Eid al-Fitr, the three-day festival which marks the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. During Eid al-Fitr, most people travel to visit each other in town or outside of it and children receive new clothes and money to spend for the occasion.  EPA/PIYAL ADHIKARY

    Anche in India si celebra la fine del Ramadan

    Si sta celebrando in tutto il mondo “Eid al-Fitr”, i tre giorni di festeggiamenti con cui i musulmani chiudono il mese sacro di Ramadan, dedicato al digiuno durante le ore diurne e alla preghiera. E lo si celebra anche in… Mostra

  • epa12000802 Indian Muslims pray during Eid al-Fitr at Red Road in Kolkata, India, 31 March 2025. Muslims around the world have begun celebrating Eid al-Fitr, the three-day festival which marks the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. During Eid al-Fitr, most people travel to visit each other in town or outside of it and children receive new clothes and money to spend for the occasion.  EPA/PIYAL ADHIKARY

    Anche in India si celebra la fine del Ramadan

    Si sta celebrando in tutto il mondo “Eid al-Fitr”, i tre giorni di festeggiamenti con cui i musulmani chiudono il mese sacro di Ramadan, dedicato al digiuno durante le ore diurne e alla preghiera. E lo si celebra anche in… Mostra

  • epa12000804 An Indian Muslim prays during Eid al-Fitr, at Red Road in Kolkata, India, 31 March 2025. Muslims around the world have begun celebrating Eid al-Fitr, the three-day festival which marks the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. During Eid al-Fitr, most people travel to visit each other in town or outside of it and children receive new clothes and money to spend for the occasion.  EPA/PIYAL ADHIKARY

    Anche in India si celebra la fine del Ramadan

    Si sta celebrando in tutto il mondo “Eid al-Fitr”, i tre giorni di festeggiamenti con cui i musulmani chiudono il mese sacro di Ramadan, dedicato al digiuno durante le ore diurne e alla preghiera. E lo si celebra anche in… Mostra

  • epa12000801 An Indian Muslim family waits for the start of a prayer service during Eid al-Fitr at Red Road in Kolkata, India, 31 March 2025. Muslims around the world have begun celebrating Eid al-Fitr, the three-day festival which marks the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. During Eid al-Fitr, most people travel to visit each other in town or outside of it and children receive new clothes and money to spend for the occasion.  EPA/PIYAL ADHIKARY

    Anche in India si celebra la fine del Ramadan

    Si sta celebrando in tutto il mondo “Eid al-Fitr”, i tre giorni di festeggiamenti con cui i musulmani chiudono il mese sacro di Ramadan, dedicato al digiuno durante le ore diurne e alla preghiera. E lo si celebra anche in… Mostra

  • epa12000791 A begger (L) begs as Muslim arrive for an Eid al-Fitr prayer serice at Red Road in Kolkata, India, 31 March 2025. Muslims around the world have begun celebrating Eid al-Fitr, the three-day festival which marks the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. During Eid al-Fitr, most people travel to visit each other in town or outside of it and children receive new clothes and money to spend for the occasion.  EPA/PIYAL ADHIKARY

    Anche in India si celebra la fine del Ramadan

    Si sta celebrando in tutto il mondo “Eid al-Fitr”, i tre giorni di festeggiamenti con cui i musulmani chiudono il mese sacro di Ramadan, dedicato al digiuno durante le ore diurne e alla preghiera. E lo si celebra anche in… Mostra

  • epa12000803 Indian Muslims pray during Eid al-Fitr, at Red Road in Kolkata, India, 31 March 2025. Muslims around the world have begun celebrating Eid al-Fitr, the three-day festival which marks the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. During Eid al-Fitr, most people travel to visit each other in town or outside of it and children receive new clothes and money to spend for the occasion.  EPA/PIYAL ADHIKARY

    Anche in India si celebra la fine del Ramadan

    Si sta celebrando in tutto il mondo “Eid al-Fitr”, i tre giorni di festeggiamenti con cui i musulmani chiudono il mese sacro di Ramadan, dedicato al digiuno durante le ore diurne e alla preghiera. E lo si celebra anche in… Mostra


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