Terra e libertà

India, non si ferma la rivolta dei contadini

Contuinua la resistenza degli agricoltori indiani contro le leggi che liberalizzano il commercio dei prodotti della terra avvantaggiando le società dell'agrobusiness

Students hold placards demanding the release of Indian climate activist Disha Ravi, during a protest in Bengaluru, India, Tuesday, Feb.16 2021. Ravi, 22, was arrested in Bengaluru Saturday for circulating a document on social media supporting months of massive protests by farmers. Police said that the document spread misinformation about the farmer protests on the outskirts of New Delhi and "tarnished the image of India." (AP Photo/Aijaz Rahi)
Students hold placards demanding the release of Indian climate activist Disha Ravi, during a protest in Bengaluru, India, Tuesday, Feb.16 2021. Ravi, 22, was arrested in Bengaluru Saturday for circulating a document on social media supporting months of massive protests by farmers. Police said that the document spread misinformation about the farmer protests on the outskirts of New Delhi and "tarnished the image of India." (AP Photo/Aijaz Rahi)
Students hold placards demanding the release of Indian climate activist Disha Ravi, during a protest in Bengaluru, India, Tuesday, Feb.16 2021. Ravi, 22, was arrested in Bengaluru Saturday for circulating a document on social media supporting months of massive protests by farmers. Police said that the document spread misinformation about the farmer protests on the outskirts of New Delhi and "tarnished the image of India." (AP Photo/Aijaz Rahi)
Students hold placards demanding the release of Indian climate activist Disha Ravi, during a protest in Bengaluru, India, Tuesday, Feb.16 2021. Ravi, 22, was arrested in Bengaluru Saturday for circulating a document on social media supporting months of massive protests by farmers. Police said that the document spread misinformation about the farmer protests on the outskirts of New Delhi and "tarnished the image of India." (AP Photo/Aijaz Rahi)
A students holds a placard demanding the release of Indian climate activist Disha Ravi, during a protest in Bengaluru, India, Tuesday, Feb.16 2021. Ravi, 22, was arrested in Bengaluru Saturday for circulating a document on social media supporting months of massive protests by farmers. Police said that the document spread misinformation about the farmer protests on the outskirts of New Delhi and "tarnished the image of India." (AP Photo/Aijaz Rahi)
Indian students hold placards and shout slogans condemning police action against various activists during a protest in New Delhi, India, Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2021. Police on Saturday arrested climate activist Disha Ravi, for circulating a document on social media supporting months of massive protests by farmers. Police also issued arrest warrants for two other activists, Nikita Jacob and Shantanu Muluk, saying the three created the document and shared it with others. (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri)
Indian students hold placards and shout slogans condemning police action against various activists during a protest in New Delhi, India, Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2021. Police on Saturday arrested climate activist Disha Ravi, for circulating a document on social media supporting months of massive protests by farmers. Police also issued arrest warrants for two other activists, Nikita Jacob and Shantanu Muluk, saying the three created the document and shared it with others. According to police, the sharing of the document on social media indicated there was a “conspiracy” behind violence on Jan. 26, India's Republic Day, when the largely peaceful farmer protests erupted into clashes with police. (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri)
Indian students hold placards and shout slogans condemning police action against various activists during a protest in New Delhi, India, Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2021. Police on Saturday arrested climate activist Disha Ravi, for circulating a document on social media supporting months of massive protests by farmers. Police also issued arrest warrants for two other activists, Nikita Jacob and Shantanu Muluk, saying the three created the document and shared it with others. (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri)
Indian students hold placards and shout slogans condemning police action against various activists during a protest in New Delhi, India, Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2021. Police on Saturday arrested climate activist Disha Ravi, for circulating a document on social media supporting months of massive protests by farmers. Police also issued arrest warrants for two other activists, Nikita Jacob and Shantanu Muluk, saying the three created the document and shared it with others. According to police, the sharing of the document on social media indicated there was a “conspiracy” behind violence on Jan. 26, India's Republic Day, when the largely peaceful farmer protests erupted into clashes with police. (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri)
Paramilitary soldiers try to stop students protesting against the police action against various activists in New Delhi, India, Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2021. Police on Saturday arrested climate activist Disha Ravi, for circulating a document on social media supporting months of massive protests by farmers. Police also issued arrest warrants for two other activists, Nikita Jacob and Shantanu Muluk, saying the three created the document and shared it with others. According to police, the sharing of the document on social media indicated there was a “conspiracy” behind violence on Jan. 26, India's Republic Day, when the largely peaceful farmer protests erupted into clashes with police. (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri)
Police try to stop students protesting against the police action against various activists in New Delhi, India, Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2021. Police on Saturday arrested climate activist Disha Ravi, for circulating a document on social media supporting months of massive protests by farmers. Police also issued arrest warrants for two other activists, Nikita Jacob and Shantanu Muluk, saying the three created the document and shared it with others. According to police, the sharing of the document on social media indicated there was a “conspiracy” behind violence on Jan. 26, India's Republic Day, when the largely peaceful farmer protests erupted into clashes with police. (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri)
Indian students hold placards and shout slogans condemning police action against various activists during a protest in New Delhi, India, Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2021. Police on Saturday arrested climate activist Disha Ravi, for circulating a document on social media supporting months of massive protests by farmers. Police also issued arrest warrants for two other activists, Nikita Jacob and Shantanu Muluk, saying the three created the document and shared it with others. According to police, the sharing of the document on social media indicated there was a “conspiracy” behind violence on Jan. 26, India's Republic Day, when the largely peaceful farmer protests erupted into clashes with police. (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri)

Nella più grande denocrazia del mondo il 58% della popolazione indiana vive di agricoltura.

Come ha spiegato Ravindra Chheda su cittanuova.it, «Con la liberalizzazione del mercato agricolo prevista dalla nuova legge, i coltivatori diretti possono vendere a chiunque e a qualsiasi prezzo, senza essere obbligati a cedere i raccolti a depositi statali ad un prezzo fisso. Tali prospettive hanno scatenato la reazione soprattutto da parte dei coltivatori con piccoli appezzamenti coltivabili. Infatti, essi vedono nelle nuove norme il rischio che le grandi aziende possano sfruttare i lavoratori agricoli, riducendo i prezzi di acquisto delle derrate».

Le cronache raccontano che i contadini indiani hanno adottato il canto italiano “Bella Ciao” per accompagnare la loro lunga resistenza che continua nonostante le intimidazioni e le minacce ricevendo la solidarietà da altri settori della società del grande Paese asiatico.

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